8350 Pomona Dr. Arvada, CO 80005
Genuinely Love, Continually Grow, Joyfully Serve, Faithfully Go

Music Ministry

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” – Ephesians 5:19

The Music Ministry is a large and vital part of the Arvada Baptist Church. Music in the church should be used as a ministry tool that prepares hearts for worship and the preaching of God’s Word. Each of our services begins with congregational singing of the time-honored hymns of the faith. This is a wonderful time of corporate worship.

There are many opportunities for church members to use their God-given talents in the area of music. Our adult choir sings year round in our morning worship services. Two musicals are performed during the year at Easter and Christmas. Church members in the ninth grade through adults are invited to sing in this group. Rehearsals are a wonderful time of fellowship as well as edification as we praise and exalt the name of Christ our Savior. We also have a handbell choir that occasionally performs wonderful sacred arrangements. They are a unique and beautiful addition to services.